Should I see a lawyer before or after signing a Contract?

We strongly recommend coming to see us before you sign a Contract. We will take the time to review the Contract and advise you of your obligations. At this time you can also advise us of any concerns you have about the property so we can conduct any necessary searches required. Contact us now to take advantage of our FREE pre-signing Contract advice now.

Is there a lot of paperwork?

Once the Contract has been signed and emailed to us, we will send you our Initial Letter Pack. The Initial Letter Packs for the Buyer and the Seller differ slightly as there is additional paperwork required as a Buyer. These documents will need to be read, completed, signed and sent back to us. You are more than welcome to come in and see us so we can go through the paperwork together, especially if this is the first time you are selling or buying. You will need to provide our office with two copies of photo ID.

When should I see my bank?

When selling a property you will need to contact your bank early in the process to arrange for the necessary paperwork to be signed in order to discharge your mortgage. It is important you tell your bank that we are acting on your behalf.

When buying a property you will need to provide your bank/mortgage broker a copy of the Contract as soon as it has been signed by all parties. This will ensure they have sufficient time to prepare and lodge your application for finance.

Do I need to attend settlement?

You are not required to attend settlement, we will do this on your behalf. We discuss the settlement process with you in more detail once your contract becomes unconditional.

What does unconditional mean?

The Contract becomes ‘unconditional’ when all the relevant conditions (i.e. finance/inspections) have been satisfied. The only step remaining in the conveyancing process at this point would be settlement.

Do I need to come into the office?

You are not required to attend our office throughout the conveyancing process. We can correspond through phone, email and post. We will confirm what method of contact suits you when your Contract has been signed.

Do I need to pay your fees upfront?

Our fees are payable on settlement of the transaction. If the Contract is terminated for any reason, a portion of our fees will be payable based on how much work has been completed up until the time of termination.

Additional Costs involved in buying/selling?

There are many other costs involved when purchasing and selling a property. Some potential charges to consider include:

  • loan establishment fees
  • mortgage discharge fees
  • registration fees
  • transfer duty (stamp duty)
  • inspection costs
  • real estate agent advertising and commission
  • moving / cleaning costs
  • insurance

If you have further questions, please contact us and we will be more than happy to answer your questions.


Opening Hours

Monday - Thursday / 8.30am to 5.00pm

Friday / 8.30am to 4.00pm